Le patch 9 de la bêta fermée de Paladins est enfin disponible depuis quelques jours, je vous propose de regarder un peu tout ce qu’il contient. Par contre, j’espère que vous êtes fort en anglais…
- Champion Masteries have been added:
- Players now will gain experience for playing normal matches that will level up your Champion Mastery of the Champion you were playing
- Mastery levels go from 1-25
- Each mastery level grants you a random card for that Champion, with later levels providing a random Legendary card. Future patches will provide Specialty cards as well.
- The Home Screen has been updated to include a Profile tab that shows all Champion abilities and Mastery levels. This functionality will continue to evolve and improve over time.
- In-match chat is now scrollable. Press <Enter> to see the chat box anytime with previous info. Scroll up by using Page Up and Page Down.
- Practice and Co-op matches have undergone a number of improvements to bot behavior. This functionality will continue to evolve and improve over time.
The in-match HUD will now display text at the top of the screen when you are on a Kill Streak or earn a Multi Kill. - There is now an ESC menu option to safely leave a Co-Op or Practice match without having to exit the game client.
- Killing blows play a special kill marker effect on your crosshair
Players can now quick-select cards in-match after leveling up by using the 1-3 keys. The ability to rebind these keys will be provided in a future patch. - Siege Engine
« The Siege Engine and Siege game mode are still being tweaked, but following the feedback we received from Closed Beta 08 we have focused in on the core metrics to ensure that the match lengths tend to average around 15 minutes. »- The starting Health for the Siege Engine has been increased
- Base
- Inner Gate and Vault Health values have been reduced
- First Win of the Day is now available for the Siege queue. Winning your first match of the day in this mode will grant an additional Champion’s Chest, meaning players will receive two in total for that match.
« We will continue to improve the systems for earning chests for playing daily, so stay tuned to future patches. » - The Quick Challenge feature is now fully functional for those who want to play premade 5-man teams against each other. A party leader of a 5-man group can challenge another party leader who also has 5 members in their group. To challenge:
COLOR= »#008080″] »The Quick Challenge feature was meant to be fully function in Closed Beta 08, but unfortunately we found a few issues with the system last patch. »[/color]- Both parties need to be out of match
- The syntax is in chat is:
- /quickchallenge <party_leader_name_being_challenged>
- The opposing leader will then reply in chat:
- /quickaccept <party_leader_name_who_challenged_me>
- For example, HiRezStew challenges Drybear to a Challenge Match:
- HiRezStew, with 5 members in his party, types:
- /quickchallenge Drybear
- Drybear, after being challenged and has 5 members in his party, types:
- /quickaccept HiRezStew
- Note: The player names are case-sensitive! Future releases will improve the usability of this system.
- The maximum in-match level is level 5, meaning players will choose their fifth card and stop leveling.
« Players will no longer be able to replace their card choices through the match. We experimented with the option to level faster and change your card choices as the match went on, but after your feedback in Closed Beta 08 we have reverted that system. » - The in-match leveling has been slowed down, meaning it takes longer to reach level 5.
- The duration at which a player is revealed to all enemy players after firing has been reduced from 1s to 0.5s
- When exiting the Settings Menu after making changes, players will now receive an « Apply » warning.
- The in-match HUD now shows on the top left your teammates’ current Health, and if they are dead it will show the time left remaining before they respawn.
« A much requested feature. We have more plans for displaying this kind of information in-match for future patches. » - The time it takes before a new Capture Point spawns has been reduced from 30 to 15s, meaning Capture Points now come much faster.
« After hearing your feedback, we have decreased the down time between Capture Points to increase the pacing of the match. This also will allow less time for teams to recover from point to point, allowing more interesting dynamics in team fights and allow teams who are properly positioning themselves and utilizing strong strategic play to successfully capture points. » - Fixed an issue where player names in matches were lost when a bot took over after a player left the game or was booted for being AFK.
- Fixed an issue where the end of match lobby showed negative Experience for co-op and practice matches for level 5+ players. Reminder that Co-Op and Practice matches do not provide rewards including Experience once your account is above level 5.
- Fixed an issue where gamepads would rumble and the screen would slightly shake when viewing another player firing in death camera
- Fixed an issue where the crosshair would sometimes have an extra line element on it
- Fixed an issue where the Shader Quality option in the Settings Menu was displaying 5 options instead of the correct 3. Additionally, this setting will now save correctly.
- Fixed an issue where some effects would not show up correctly on the ground.
- Fixed an issue where footsteps sounds were sometimes playing twice.
- Fixed an issue where spamming the Scoreboard and the Champion Summary screens could cause the screens to get stuck.
- Added team colored flags and landmarking in Temple Ruins to help indicate which side you are on and what base you are approaching.
- Reduced the overall size of Temple Ruins and Enchanted Forest. This change is a part of a larger experiment around overall pacing of the game.
« We are working hard to find the right mixture of design elements on our levels that provide the most exciting combat experience during play. Be sure to give us your feedback on the new Temple Ruins and Enchanted Forest this patch! » - Various collision issues have been resolved.
- Fixed an issue where the enemy team’s vault was not team colored during gameplay. Note: A known issue is that the end cinematic still always team colors the vault as friendly.
- Fixed an issue where Evie could use Soar to get out of the spawn rooms prematurely.
Champions – Balance/Updates/Fixes
- Barik
- Barricade
- Reduced duration from 10 to 6s.
- Reduced Health from 2500 to 2000.
- Turret
« While Barik’s main feature is his Turret, we feel that players should be able to choose what playstyle they want to employ with Barik – whether it be Barricade build, Turret build, Weapon build, or anything in between. His Turret has thus been reduced in strength and we will be evaluating the proportions between his Weapon damage output and Turret damage output in future patches. »- Reduced Attack Speed from 1.2 to 1.4.
- Barricade
- Buck
- Cataclysm
« Rejoice. Buck can now quietly and discreetly bring back down his Cataclysm when it was placed in a less than desireable location. »- Now is cancellable by reactivating it.
- Heroic Leap
- Fixed an issue where the leap would go straight up when you were looking straight down.
- Fixed an issue where Buck could exit the map.
- Cataclysm
- Evie
- Blink
- No longer caches aim meaning you can continue to aim it up until it fires.
- Fixed an issue where Evie was able to collect HP Drops while blinking.
- Fixed an issue where mounting would prevent Blink from going on Cooldown.
- Illusion
« We have heard your feedback on Evie’s Illusion gameplay and have reworked how they function. With their Health and Damage coming down, they now serve more as a misdirection tool than a damage tool. »- Illusions now spawn at the same Health % as Evie at the time of spawning.
- Illusions now die when Evie does.
- Reduced damage dealt by illusions from 40 to 25% of Evie’s damage
- Reduced Health of illusions from 1000 to 650
- Fixed an issue where Illusions could spawn using Soar
- Blink
- Fernando
« Fernando’s performance was above average, and players were able to build him both in a tanky manner with added damage. We are working hard to make sure no Champion gets benefits outside of their cards, and have reworked some of Fernando’s cards to ensure that he must build damage in order to deal substantial damage and the same can be said about building in a tanky manner. Be sure to continue giving us feedback as we hone in on Champion builds! »- General
- Reduced Health from 3300 to 3000.
- Lance
- Reduced damage from 31 to 27.
- Shield
- Reduced duration from 20 to 10s.
- Increased Cooldown from 24 to 26s.
- General
- Grohk
- Healing Totem
- Increased Cooldown from 20 to 26s.
- Chain Lightning
- Fixed an issue where Chain Lightning would cause Grohk to be inside of his Horse while mounted.
- Chain Lightning no longer chains from immune targets
- Healing Totem
- Pip
- Potion Launcher
- Fixed an issue where full damage wasn’t being dealt against a shield if it hit directly.
- Fixed an issue where your weapon would disappear if you were looking upward.
- Explosive Flask
« Explosive Flask has been given a slower warmup, meaning it takes Pip away from firing for a little longer and can be avoided in the right situations. »- Now has a 0.3s warmup before being thrown.
- Potion Launcher
- Ruckus
- Minigun
- Increased damage from 50 to 57.
- Minigun
- Skye
- General
- Skye now plays a sound when exiting stealth.
- Fixed an issue where Skye could enter stealth infinitely.
- Crossbow
- Reduced range from 130 to 100.
- Reduced damage from 110 to 96.
- General
Card Art
- The following cards have had their art updated:
Cards – Balance/Updates/Fixes
- General
« In this patch we have gone through some major overhauls to the card system and how it functions. Firstly, we have added a new rarity which will help focus your in-match build progression. We noticed that having your most influential card, previously the Legendary rarity, at the end of your progression made it hard to pick a build and sticking with it. The Specialty cards now allow you to choose what build you want to go with in the beginning of the match, allowing you to pick cards as you level that are in line with that choice and may amplify the build’s strengths. We hope this removes some of the uncertainty with building your Champion in a non-constructed deck format. Additionally, at each level throughout the match players may now only choose from the rarity at that level, regardless of whether or not they have enough cards. We have updated the starting decks to include two of each rarity, even Specialty and Legendary, to make sure everyone has enough choices to make an interesting build from the start. All players will receive the starter cards listed below for free, and we hope that having ten cards instead of seven in the starting collection gives new players the opportunity to explore the card system more fully. »- A new rarity has been added: Specialty
- The fifth rarity is called « Specialty » and will be drawn first before any other card. Specialty cards are designed to kick off your match into a specific playstyle, specializing your build in a certain direction.
- Players may now only draw one rarity per level, and will no longer roll down a rarity if they don’t have enough cards to draw. For example, at level 3 if you only have 2 Rare cards in your deck, you will draw 2 Rare cards and be forced to choose one.
- Starter cards have been increased from 7 to 10 per champion. These will include 2 Common, 2 Rare, 2 Epic, 2 Legendary, and 2 Specialty cards.
- Barik
- Capsule, Double Time, Healing Station, Fuel Efficiency, Bunker, Field Deploy, Chronos, Field Deploy, Chronos, Coming Through, Overdrive, Infernal Wall.
- Buck
- Into the Fray, Reconstruction, Good Pump, Tracer Rounds, Galvanize, Vigor, Rapid Sustain, Unsettled, Buck Shot, Concussion.
- Cassie
- Blast Shower, Double Tap, Drain Life, Far Sight, Trauma, Incitement, Flee, Kinetics, Serrated Arrow, Battle Focus.
- Evie
- Impact, Winter Hazard, Great Distance, Journey, Nimble, Safeguarded, Frigid Field, Frostbite, Handicap, Stand Still.
- Fernando
- Towering Barrier, Fortress, Queen of the Hill, Field Dressing, Launch, Inferno, Aegis, Front Line, Dire Need, Incinerate.
- Grohk
- Thunderous Grace, Cluster, Gale, Outreach, Astral Traveler, Totemic Rescue, Momentum, Hamstring, Electrical Imbalance, Precinct.
- Pip
- Acidic Ooze, From Above, Refreshing Jog, Side Tanks, So Much Slime, Graviton, Blight, Infirmity, Unstable Solution, Fortune Fury.
- Ruckus
- Nanotechnology, Gunship, Fuel Reserves, First Class, E.M.P., Fallout, Suppressive Fire, Bombardment, Berserk, Kinetic Reactor.
- Skye
- Short Fuse, Well Rested, Lie in Wait, Re-entry, Master Riding, Special Delivery, Weakening Poison, Paranoia, Lethal Dose, Backstab.
- A new rarity has been added: Specialty
« Many of the cards in the game have changed rarity to be in line with the new system change that rarities are forced per level. This allows us to better tweak the system to prevent overly strong combinations of cards by putting both cards in an equal rarity. Any cards that were removed from the game will be replaced with a Champion’s Chest for any player who owned those cards. Since a majority of these cards went up in rarity, most of our early adopters are now proud owners of many rare cards! We want to thank all of our early testers for providing daily feedback and we look forward to hearing from you on the way the card system now functions! »
- Barik
- Capsule
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Chronos
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic
- Coming Through
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Double Time
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Epicenter
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Exhaust
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Flamethrower
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Fortification
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Healing Station
- Reduced rarity from Rare to Common
- Infernal Wall
- Increased Rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Inflame
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- No Surrender
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- On Guard
- Redo description to match new functionality
- Now only affects enemy player made defenses like shields and pets, not game objectives
- Overdrive
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Fixed an issue where this was providing 75% Attack Speed rather than the correct 60% Attack Speed
- Paralyze
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Promote
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Pyromancer
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Reduced damage from 75 to 60%
- Stagger
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Targeting
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic
- Threshold
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Thumper XVI
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Capsule
- Buck
- *NEW* Reconstruction – Specialty
- [Recovery] Upon activation, heal self for 30% missing HP and increase Recovery’s regeneration by 300
- *NEW* Recharge – Rare
- [Recovery] Reduced Recovery’s Cooldown by 2s for each enemy nearby when it is activated
- Accelerate
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic
- Acid Rounds
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Armor Piercer
- Combined with Celerity and removed from the game (Players who currently own this card will receive a Champion’s Chest)
- Berserk
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Blessed
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic
- Reduced from 50% to 40%
- Buck Shot
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Celerity
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Reduced Attack Speed from 60 to 40%
- Now also applies 40% damage for the duration
- Concussion
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Cornered
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic
- Exhilarate
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common
- Giga Siphon
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Good Pump
- Reduced rarity from Epic to common
- Imprisonment
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Into the Fray
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Leg Day
- Reduced jump increase from 60 to 30%
- Rapid Sustain
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic
- Now grants +70% Healing below 30% HP
- Rend
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Increased proc chance from 5 to 7%
- Seismic Wave
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Stomping Ground
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Unsettled
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Vigor
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- *NEW* Reconstruction – Specialty
- Cassie
- *NEW* Far Sight
- [Scout] Increase Scout’s range to global
- Battle Focus
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Battle Frenzy
- Removed from the game (Players who currently own this card will receive a Champion’s Chest)
- Big Game
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Blast Shower
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Reduced damage per blast from 200 to 140
- Bloodlust
- This card now belongs to Ruckus instead of Cassie
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Double Tap
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Divebomb
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Now roots all targets within range
- Now effects all targets within 30ft instead of a single target
- Dormancy
- Removed from the game (Players who currently own this card will receive a Champion’s Chest)
- Exaction
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Fatal Sign
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Flee
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic
- Hunter Killer
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Intense Training
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Kinetics
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Reduced Disarm duration from 1.5 to 1.2s
- Kill to Heal
- No longer heals you upon killing one of Evie’s illusions or other pets
- Misdirection
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Precision
- Increased rarity from Epic to Specialty
- Prey
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Reload
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic
- Serrated Arrow
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Sniper
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Stalker
- Reduced damage increase from 30 to 15%
- Stay Here
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Reduced Root duration from 2 to 1s
- Tranquility
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- *NEW* Far Sight
- Evie
- Aftershock
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Distortion
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Now triggers off of Illusion instead of Blink
- Finisher
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Freedom
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Frostbite
- Reduced Movement Slow from 50 to 25%
- Handicap
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Ice Storm
- Renamed to After Image
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic
- Reduced Cooldown reduction from 80 to 50%
- Icicles
- Increased rarity from Epic to Specialty
- Impact
- Increased rarity from Epic to Specialty
- Reduced damage increase from 60 to 40%
- Now also increases Attack Speed by 40%
- Impasse
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Impellent
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Isolation
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- This card now belongs to Skye instead of Evie
- Nimble
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Quick Draw
- Removed from the game (Players who currently own this card will receive a Champion’s Chest)
- Refraction
- Removed from the game (Players who currently own this card will receive a Champion’s Chest)
- Safeguarded
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Stand Still
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Sublimate
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Winter Hazard
- Increased rarity from Epic to Specialty
- Now slows your flight speed by 40% to improve aiming while flying
- Wormhole
- Fixed an issue where dying before teleporting back saved your previous location, allowing you to teleport to it after respawning
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic
- Aftershock
- Fernando
- *NEW* Encounter – Specialty
- [Charge] Stun targets you Charge through for 1.2s
- Aegis
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic
- Backlash
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Chitinous
- Fixed an issue where the Health bonus would reset
- Cloak of Flames
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Updated description to correctly show Armor category
- Death Knight
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common
- Dire Need
- Increased rarity from Rare to Legendary
- Evolve
- Reduced rarity from Legendary to Epic
- Reduced passive Health from 900 to 250
- Reduced passive damage from 10 to 1%
- Reduced Health increase from 75 to 30%
- Fortress
- Increased rarity from Common to Specialty
- Increased Health per Armor card from 350 to 400
- Heat Exhaustion
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Incinerate
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Inferno
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Insurmountable
- Now has a 10s internal cooldown before it can proc again after being triggered
- Now will only proc once you have completed mounting, not during the channel
- Reduced Shield amount from 1000 to 700
- King of the Hill
- Fixed an incorrect tooltip reading 50% Damage Reduction rather than the correct 40% Damage Reduction
- Reduced rarity from Rare to Common
- Lance Strike
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Launch
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Resilience
- Fixed an issue where you would get affected by Daze
- Safe Travel
- Reduced rarity from Rare to Common
- Scorch
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Shell
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic
- Tenacity
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Titan’s Rage
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Towering Barrier
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- *NEW* Encounter – Specialty
- Grohk
- Anvil
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Arc Lightning
- Reduced rarity from Legendary to Epic
- Astral Traveler
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Blackout
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Cluster
- Increased rarity from Epic to Specialty
- Now causes Chain Lightning to deal full weapon damage
- Conductor
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Discharge
- Increased rarity from Epic to Specialty
- Electrical Imbalance
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Hamstring
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Healing Rain
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Lightning Rod
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Manifest
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Momentum
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Overload
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Phantom
- Increased rarity from Common to Specialty
- Planted
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Precinct
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Sow the Seed
- Now has a 5 second internal cooldown after being triggered before it can be triggered again
- Stimulate
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Thunderous Grace
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Totemic Rescue
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Wind Totem
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Anvil
- Pip
- Acid Cloud
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Now requires Line of Sight in order to deal damage, rather than dealing damage in the field. This prevents it from dealing damage through walls and overpasses.
- Now will disappear if Pip dies while Acid Cloud is active
- Acidic Ooze
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Fixed an issue where this card was still active when on cooldown
- Ambush
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Blight
- Reduced damage from 100 to 60 over 3s
- Caustic
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Compound Reaction
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Consequential
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Fortune Fury
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- From Above
- Increased rarity from Epic to Specialty
- Graviton
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Infirmity
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Malady
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Masterful
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Panic
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Now triggers off of Adhesive upon first activation instead of Explosive Flask
- Poison Clouds
- Increased rarity from Epic to Specialty
- Rupture
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Side Tanks
- Added visual effects to alter Adhesive’s updated radius
- Thermite Load
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Rare
- Now only affects enemy player made defenses like shields and pets, not game objectives
- Tyranny
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Unstable Solution
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Acid Cloud
- Ruckus
- Bullet Sponge
- Provides increasing Attack Speed instead of Damage
- Combat Station
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Critical Mass
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Cull the Weak
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Fallout
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Gunship
- Increased rarity from Epic to Specialty
- Kinetic Reactor
- Now has an updated Visual treatment
- Lined Up
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Nanotechnology
- Increased rarity from Common to Specialty
- Penetrate
- Increased rarity from Epic to Specialty
- Now provides its benefits to your Weapon at all times while equipped, not just during Dual Fire
- Projector
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic
- Proximity
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Rush
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Sabotage
- Redo description to match new functionality
- Now only affects enemy player made defenses like shields and pets, not game objectives
- Sonar Upgrade
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Soul Collector
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Warden
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Bullet Sponge
- Skye
- Adrenaline
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Catalyst
- Increased rarity from Rare to Legendary
- Collateral
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Decay
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Diminish
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Disruption
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Emergency Exit
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- After Emergency Exit applies, Skye can take damage for one second without being knocked out of the stealth applied by this card
- Endure
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Gotta Go
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Innumerable
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Killstreak
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Lethal Dose
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Lie in Wait
- No longer active when in combat
- Master Riding
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Paranoia
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Scales of Justice
- Increased rarity from Epic to Legendary
- Shell Shock
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Short Fuse
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Now provides a 25% radius increase
- Special Delivery
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Surprise Attack
- Increased rarity from Epic to Specialty
- Now also provides a 30% Movement Speed increase
- Weakening Poison
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Well Rested
- Increased rarity from Legendary to Specialty
- Reduced Attack Speed increase from 70 to 50%
- Victory Rush
- Updated text description
- Increased rarity from Epic to Specialty
- Adrenaline
Source officiel de l’éditeur de Paladins.
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